Sunday, April 22, 2007


Good morning!

I've created this blog as a sort of web log (or blog as they say) of my trip to Thailand with SIL. If anyone is unclear on what I plan on doing over there, the plan is to write software that aids in linguistics. After all, linguistics has a lot of monotonous work which can be trimmed down with the help of computers.

Currently I'm finishing my work at Houghton then graduating next month. My plan is to leave for Thailand on June 1, though it isn't looking hopeful as I still need about $3,000. Much thanks to everyone who has given thus far, and thanks even more for the prayers. If you know of anyone who would like to help out, checks can be made out to me and sent to either:

Tim Kellogg
CPO 1113
Houghton College
Houghton, NY 14744


Tim Kellogg
136 Turner Street
Greene, NY 13778

Whichever is more convenient as I won't be in Houghton after graduation. It would be nice to have all the money by May 1, but anything that comes is welcome. I'll try to post my progress, in the meantime you should leave a comment!